Jimmy Dunne, Jimmy Dunne,...your "A Christmas Dream" brought tears and goosebumps to me. Thank you for writing it and delivering it as a reminder of what is most important.
Brought back memories of my first job (other than clearing the table, cleaning out the horse corral, weed-pulling): correcting catalogs for my parent's company. This was pre-whiteout - little strips of white tape with the correct wording on it. (I hated that tedious job!) But, I worked every summer in every job at the company starting in shipping/receiving. With that money, I bought my first skii and ski trip at age 13, and at aage 15 I paid for my airline ticket on a 747 (1971) to go live with a family in Germany for a year during high school, etc. (PS: Eventually I owned that company!)
We were a family of newspaper delivery kids. The “route” passed on to the younger siblings once a better part time job started for the older ones. We delivered a perfectly rolled and rubber banded paper to the top porch step. And then, collected money due on a weekly or monthly schedule. Cash was carried without any fear of robbery. A great way to meet all of your neighbors too!!
Thanks, Marge. I love your thoughts. We all sure learned lots of life lessons from the simple job of delivering newspapers... Wouldn't trade it for the world. The "La Grange Shopper," "Tribune..."
Thank you for this beautiful tribute to a woman I would have loved to have known. We need more Delores' in our world. Appears to me that you have found the "LaGrange" of our childhood in California! Lucky You!!! or perhaps, maybe, you brought our parents' values out to Calfornia and helped in the creation of a west coast LaGrange!
Thank you so much, Susan. Dolores reminded me how there are fewer and fewer of this generation alive -- and they have so much to teach us all about the art of living. I so appreciate your words -- and the rich soil of La Grange will always be something I will be forever grateful for.
So very true. My words are heartfelt as it feels so good to read your words and especially LG memories. My fondest memories of growing up are from my youth in LaGrange and my family farm in Cassopolis Michigan.
Jimmy Dunne, Jimmy Dunne,...your "A Christmas Dream" brought tears and goosebumps to me. Thank you for writing it and delivering it as a reminder of what is most important.
I remember many days in the hayfields of Nebraska.
Brought back memories of my first job (other than clearing the table, cleaning out the horse corral, weed-pulling): correcting catalogs for my parent's company. This was pre-whiteout - little strips of white tape with the correct wording on it. (I hated that tedious job!) But, I worked every summer in every job at the company starting in shipping/receiving. With that money, I bought my first skii and ski trip at age 13, and at aage 15 I paid for my airline ticket on a 747 (1971) to go live with a family in Germany for a year during high school, etc. (PS: Eventually I owned that company!)
I love it, Cary! Doesn't surprise me one bit. You are the best. I sure love seeing your family's smiling faces out on the bocce courts.
phenomenal Jimmy
Thanks so much, Jeff. The best to you.
We were a family of newspaper delivery kids. The “route” passed on to the younger siblings once a better part time job started for the older ones. We delivered a perfectly rolled and rubber banded paper to the top porch step. And then, collected money due on a weekly or monthly schedule. Cash was carried without any fear of robbery. A great way to meet all of your neighbors too!!
Thanks, Marge. I love your thoughts. We all sure learned lots of life lessons from the simple job of delivering newspapers... Wouldn't trade it for the world. The "La Grange Shopper," "Tribune..."
Oops. I replied to first jobs!
LOVE THIS JIMMY. . .working on my soup for my grandkids! :)
You are the dearest, Marti.
Thanks, Jeff.
Thank you for this beautiful tribute to a woman I would have loved to have known. We need more Delores' in our world. Appears to me that you have found the "LaGrange" of our childhood in California! Lucky You!!! or perhaps, maybe, you brought our parents' values out to Calfornia and helped in the creation of a west coast LaGrange!
Thank you so much, Susan. Dolores reminded me how there are fewer and fewer of this generation alive -- and they have so much to teach us all about the art of living. I so appreciate your words -- and the rich soil of La Grange will always be something I will be forever grateful for.
So very true. My words are heartfelt as it feels so good to read your words and especially LG memories. My fondest memories of growing up are from my youth in LaGrange and my family farm in Cassopolis Michigan.
Very lovely story and memorial. Thanks for thinking it, writing it and sharing it.
Kathy Volz
Thank you so much, Kathy. What a special woman and inspiration she was...
Please print this, sign it and give it to Maria. What a wonderful gift to her children and grandchildren ❤️
Thank you, Becky.