Merry Christmas to you all!
I hope this video reminds you of the bounty of blessings in your life…
(Once you click on the video, you can hit the square button on the bottom to watch it full screen.)
“A Christmas Dream”
T’was the night before Christmas – when all through the house
Not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse
My wife in her pj’s, and I in my cap
Had just settled our brains for a long winter’s nap
Our girls, home from college, asleep as can be
Come Christmas morning, they’d wake mom and me
But I couldn’t sleep – I pulled out my iPhone
Instagram pictures – put me in some zone
You know the posts – folks always so happy
They travel, the wine – lifestyles sooo snappy!
At a posh second home looking out on some lake
The more that I looked, the less I could take
Life’s ‘should-of/could-ofs’ overwhelmed me
What I didn’t have – was all I could see
I tossed and I turned -- how I wished I had more
Whatever I had -- wasn’t what I wished for
I ran over choices that I took back then
I wished I could do life all over again!
The next thing you know – I was in a deep dream
It was one that you swear just how real it all seems
I was pulled back in time to a past Christmas morn
In the home where my brothers and sisters were born!
The moon on the breast of the new-fallen snow
Gave the luster of morning to objects below
My stocking was hung by the chimney with care
But my stocking -- the only one that was there!
On the mantle, a candle -- a note said, “For you!”
“If you light this candle, your dreams will come true”
So I did. I lit the thing.
When just up the staircase, there ‘rose such a clatter
I snapped back around to see what was the matter
When what to my wondering eyes should appear,
But my brothers and sisters – from those early years!
Not as adults -- they were all little kids!
And they laughed, and they kidded like they always did
But, I could see them — but they couldn’t see me!
How could this possibly, possibly be?
As I drew in my head and was turning around
Down the staircase my parents came with a bound!
My Mom and my Dad – they’ve both passed away
But my Dad had his camera – just clicking away!
My siblings and parents’ stockings appeared
Everything felt just so wonderfully weird!
Right near our fireplace – a plump Christmas tree
I could smell it; it smelled just like Christmas to me!
My grammies and grampies, they were there, too!
They pampered us like only grandparents do
And grade school pals -- and this little league dad
And there by the fireplace — these nuns that I had!
And in the front door walked my high school gang
And I whistled, and shouted, and called them by name!
On Chippers, on Bobby — our band was all there
It’s hard to believe that’s how we wore our hair!
They laughed and told stories about stupid stuff
The stuff that’s so stupid – you can’t get enough!
My presents weren’t presents from under that tree
My presents were all standing right there with me!
And in walked eight guys from my college days’ frat
They were juiced up and singing – you just can’t top that!
And all my old girlfriends - the loves of my life
They sure did look good – please don’t tell my wife!
All these faces from places I’ve worked through the years
All my best bosses – and my favorite peers
It was just the best party with everyone there
People I loved were just everywhere!
Then, in a twinkling, I saw by the door
The most beautiful person I couldn’t love more
My wife, she just glowed – at the age when we met!
Why she picked me, I’ll just never get!
And then I looked over right next to the tree
The sweetest two girls who looked ‘lot like me!
The room was just stuffed with the best of my life
And on top of all that -- my kids and my wife!
It sounds so bizarre – but the room started clearing
Everyone slowly – began disappearing!
A dapper young Mailman was at the front door
Smiled, “You’re just the guy that I’m looking for!”
“A Special Delivery – addressed in your name
In just a few moments, life won’t be the same”
“The second that short, little candle goes down
Your past will be wiped – and they won’t be around”
“You said that you wished you could do it again
I bring you new friends, all new places you’ve been”
“You wanted more – so it’s more that you’ll get
More things – and a cottage on Lake Wannabet!”
I barely could see anyone — anymore
And that Mailman — he slipped right out of the door!
I ran to my kids, and I ran to my wife
By the time I got there, they were out of my life
I looked at the candle – the flame turned to smoke
I was alone in the room – was this a bad joke?
I yelled that I’ll never think these things again
Please bring my life back to my life again!
The next thing I knew -- I woke up in a sweat
My wife said so calmly, “A bad dream – I’d bet”
My two girls came in – in the cutest pj’s
“Wake up, Mom and Dad, it’s Christmas today!
I just hugged them all, and I sobbed right out loud
A thing that I lost – I luckily found
I’ll never look back, never again
The beauty of life is where only you’ve been
I now know the treasure is people, not things
It’s those in a life that make a life sing
We opened our presents from under our tree
This is the best Christmas…
That ever happened to me.
Jimmy Dunne
Loved it! Happy New Year! and look forward to more fun "what's done is Dunne" adventures 2024. Cary Singleton, family & friends.
Hi Jimmy
You are a master story teller. I first read your story then listened to your video. I must admit I had a tear in my eye. I have learned long ago that the most precious Christmas gifts I can ever have are the people in my life and the cherished memories of Christmas 's past. A very Merry Christmas to you and your family.